import * as fs from "node:fs/promises"; import * as os from "node:os"; import * as path from "node:path"; import { spawn, exec, SpawnOptions } from "node:child_process"; import { openSync, readFileSync } from "node:fs"; import { inspect, promisify } from "node:util"; import * as http from "http"; import * as core from "@actions/core"; import { Tail } from "tail"; import got from "got"; import { IdsToolbox } from "detsys-ts"; const ENV_CACHE_DAEMONDIR = "MAGIC_NIX_CACHE_DAEMONDIR"; const gotClient = got.extend({ retry: { limit: 1, methods: ["POST", "GET", "PUT", "HEAD", "DELETE", "OPTIONS", "TRACE"], }, hooks: { beforeRetry: [ (error, retryCount) => {`Retrying after error ${error.code}, retry #: ${retryCount}`); }, ], }, }); async function fetchAutoCacher(toolbox: IdsToolbox): Promise { const closurePath = await toolbox.fetch(); toolbox.recordEvent("load_closure"); const { stdout } = await promisify(exec)( `cat "${closurePath}" | xz -d | nix-store --import`, ); const paths = stdout.split(os.EOL); // Since the export is in reverse topologically sorted order, magic-nix-cache is always the penultimate entry in the list (the empty string left by split being the last). const last_path =; return `${last_path}/bin/magic-nix-cache`; } function tailLog(daemonDir: string): Tail { const log = new Tail(path.join(daemonDir, "daemon.log")); core.debug(`tailing daemon.log...`); log.on("line", (line) => {; }); return log; } async function setUpAutoCache(toolbox: IdsToolbox): Promise { const tmpdir = process.env["RUNNER_TEMP"] || os.tmpdir(); const required_env = [ "ACTIONS_CACHE_URL", "ACTIONS_RUNTIME_URL", "ACTIONS_RUNTIME_TOKEN", ]; let anyMissing = false; for (const n of required_env) { if (!process.env.hasOwnProperty(n)) { anyMissing = true; core.warning( `Disabling automatic caching since required environment ${n} isn't available`, ); } } if (anyMissing) { return; } core.debug(`GitHub Action Cache URL: ${process.env["ACTIONS_CACHE_URL"]}`); const daemonDir = await fs.mkdtemp(path.join(tmpdir, "magic-nix-cache-")); let daemonBin: string; if (core.getInput("source-binary")) { daemonBin = core.getInput("source-binary"); } else { daemonBin = await fetchAutoCacher(toolbox); } let runEnv; if (core.isDebug()) { runEnv = { RUST_LOG: "trace,magic_nix_cache=debug,gha_cache=debug", RUST_BACKTRACE: "full", ...process.env, }; } else { runEnv = process.env; } const notifyPort = core.getInput("startup-notification-port"); const notifyPromise = new Promise>((resolveListening) => { const promise = new Promise(async (resolveQuit) => { const notifyServer = http.createServer((req, res) => { if (req.method === "POST" && req.url === "/") { core.debug(`Notify server shutting down.`); res.writeHead(200, { "Content-Type": "application/json" }); res.end("{}"); notifyServer.close(() => { resolveQuit(); }); } }); notifyServer.listen(notifyPort, () => { core.debug(`Notify server running.`); resolveListening(promise); }); }); }); // Start tailing the daemon log. const outputPath = `${daemonDir}/daemon.log`; const output = openSync(outputPath, "a"); const log = tailLog(daemonDir); const netrc = await netrcPath(); const nixConfPath = `${process.env["HOME"]}/.config/nix/nix.conf`; const daemonCliFlags: string[] = [ "--startup-notification-url", `${notifyPort}`, "--listen", core.getInput("listen"), "--upstream", core.getInput("upstream-cache"), "--diagnostic-endpoint", core.getInput("diagnostic-endpoint"), "--nix-conf", nixConfPath, ] .concat( core.getBooleanInput("use-flakehub") ? [ "--use-flakehub", "--flakehub-cache-server", core.getInput("flakehub-cache-server"), "--flakehub-api-server", core.getInput("flakehub-api-server"), "--flakehub-api-server-netrc", netrc, "--flakehub-flake-name", core.getInput("flakehub-flake-name"), ] : [], ) .concat(core.getBooleanInput("use-gha-cache") ? ["--use-gha-cache"] : []); const opts: SpawnOptions = { stdio: ["ignore", output, output], env: runEnv, detached: true, }; // Display the final command for debugging purposes core.debug("Full daemon start command:"); core.debug(`${daemonBin} ${daemonCliFlags.join(" ")}`); // Start the server. Once it is ready, it will notify us via the notification server. const daemon = spawn(daemonBin, daemonCliFlags, opts); const pidFile = path.join(daemonDir, ""); await fs.writeFile(pidFile, `${}`);"Waiting for magic-nix-cache to start..."); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { notifyPromise // eslint-disable-next-line github/no-then .then((_value) => { resolve(); }) // eslint-disable-next-line github/no-then .catch((err) => { reject(new Error(`error in notifyPromise: ${err}`)); }); daemon.on("exit", async (code, signal) => { if (signal) { reject(new Error(`Daemon was killed by signal ${signal}`)); } else if (code) { reject(new Error(`Daemon exited with code ${code}`)); } else { reject(new Error(`Daemon unexpectedly exited`)); } }); }); daemon.unref();"Launched Magic Nix Cache"); core.exportVariable(ENV_CACHE_DAEMONDIR, daemonDir); log.unwatch(); } async function notifyAutoCache(): Promise { const daemonDir = process.env[ENV_CACHE_DAEMONDIR]; if (!daemonDir) { return; } try { core.debug(`Indicating workflow start`); const res: Response = await gotClient .post(`http://${core.getInput("listen")}/api/workflow-start`) .json(); core.debug(`back from post: ${res}`); } catch (e) {`Error marking the workflow as started:`);;`Magic Nix Cache may not be running for this workflow.`); } } async function netrcPath(): Promise { const expectedNetrcPath = path.join( process.env["RUNNER_TEMP"] || os.tmpdir(), "determinate-nix-installer-netrc", ); try { await fs.access(expectedNetrcPath); return expectedNetrcPath; } catch { // `nix-installer` was not used, the user may be registered with FlakeHub though. const destinedNetrcPath = path.join( process.env["RUNNER_TEMP"] || os.tmpdir(), "magic-nix-cache-netrc", ); try { await flakehub_login(destinedNetrcPath); } catch (e) {"FlakeHub cache disabled."); core.debug(`Error while logging into FlakeHub: ${e}`); } return destinedNetrcPath; } } async function flakehub_login(netrc: string): Promise { const jwt = await core.getIDToken(""); await fs.writeFile( netrc, [ `machine login flakehub password ${jwt}`, `machine login flakehub password ${jwt}`, `machine login flakehub password ${jwt}`, ].join("\n"), );"Logged in to FlakeHub."); } async function tearDownAutoCache(): Promise { const daemonDir = process.env[ENV_CACHE_DAEMONDIR]; if (!daemonDir) { core.debug("magic-nix-cache not started - Skipping"); return; } const pidFile = path.join(daemonDir, ""); const pid = parseInt(await fs.readFile(pidFile, { encoding: "ascii" })); core.debug(`found daemon pid: ${pid}`); if (!pid) { throw new Error("magic-nix-cache did not start successfully"); } const log = tailLog(daemonDir); try { core.debug(`about to post to localhost`); const res: Response = await gotClient .post(`http://${core.getInput("listen")}/api/workflow-finish`) .json(); core.debug(`back from post: ${res}`); } finally { core.debug(`unwatching the daemon log`); log.unwatch(); } core.debug(`killing`); try { process.kill(pid, "SIGTERM"); } catch (e) { if (typeof e === "object" && e && "code" in e && e.code !== "ESRCH") { throw e; } } finally { if (core.isDebug()) {"Entire log:"); const entireLog = readFileSync(path.join(daemonDir, "daemon.log"));; } } } const idslib = new IdsToolbox({ name: "magic-nix-cache", fetchStyle: "gh-env-style", }); idslib.onMain(async () => { await setUpAutoCache(idslib); await notifyAutoCache(); }); idslib.onPost(async () => { await tearDownAutoCache(); }); idslib.execute();