name: 'Update flake.lock' description: 'Update your flake.lock and send a PR' runs: using: "composite" steps: - uses: cachix/install-nix-action@v14 with: install_url: extra_nix_config: | experimental-features = nix-command flakes - run: nix flake lock --commit-lock-file shell: bash env: GIT_AUTHOR_NAME: github-actions[bot] GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL: GIT_COMMITTER_NAME: github-actions[bot] GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL: - name: Create PR uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3 with: branch: update_flake_lock_action delete-branch: true title: "flake.lock: Update" body: Automated changes by the [update-flake-lock]( GitHub Action.