2023-08-31 20:22:44 +09:00
{ lib, config, pkgs, hostname, stateVersion, username, desktop, gpu, inputs, platform, theme, ... }: {
2023-08-23 14:30:15 +09:00
imports = [
2023-09-20 20:29:33 +09:00
# Modules
2023-08-23 14:30:15 +09:00
# Services
2023-08-23 19:24:47 +09:00
2023-08-23 14:30:15 +09:00
2023-08-27 20:51:24 +09:00
2023-08-31 13:11:44 +09:00
2023-08-23 14:30:15 +09:00
2023-08-29 13:52:14 +09:00
# CLI Software
2023-08-23 19:24:47 +09:00
# NixOS Modules
2023-10-06 19:41:55 +09:00
./common/modules/fonts.nix # Font Configs
./common/modules/networking.nix # Initial Networking configs
./common/modules/nixos.nix # NixOS related items
./common/modules/remote-builders.nix # Add remote builders
2023-08-23 14:30:15 +09:00
] ++ lib.optional (builtins.isString desktop) ./common/desktops/${desktop};
# List packages installed in system profile
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
2023-09-23 21:31:46 +09:00
sbctl # Secureboot Control
wget # WebGet
killall # Killall
curl # Curl - For web requests
neofetch # system information viewer
rsync # copy/sync
git # git!
duf # replacement / prettier UI for df
ncdu # ncurses style browser for du/dust
du-dust # better UI for 'du"
home-manager # manage dotfiles
btop # like htop, but prettier
iftop # interface top - network usage
nload # network load - Network usage graphs
iotop # I/O top viewer - disk r/w, etc
sops # manage secrets
gnupg # GNU Privacy Guard
2023-10-05 18:32:10 +09:00
fx # Pretty print JSON
2023-09-23 21:31:46 +09:00
eza # like ls, but prettier
cryptsetup # used to open LUKS devices
parted # Disk partitioner / Formatter
screen # Terminal screen manager
alejandra # Nix code formatter
nixfmt # Nix code formatter
e2fsprogs # disk format utilities, like mkfs.ext4
2023-09-28 20:05:34 +09:00
bat # Like cat, but with syntax highlighting
2023-09-28 21:20:50 +09:00
openssl # Used to generate certs, random strings, etc
2023-08-23 14:30:15 +09:00
# Select internationalisation properties.
i18n.defaultLocale = "en_US.UTF-8";
i18n.extraLocaleSettings = {
LC_NAME = "en_US.UTF-8";
LC_PAPER = "en_US.UTF-8";
LC_TIME = "en_US.UTF-8";
system.stateVersion = stateVersion;
2023-09-28 21:32:38 +09:00
# Seems like this is needed because of account lockouts while unlocking the disk?
users.users.root.hashedPassword = "$y$j9T$tuWoymR75nguhvCwCQwZq1$Ajxce4ODZiA6Xpai.dwE5MrH4qj.xV2850MtDG2jds0";
2023-08-23 14:30:15 +09:00