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2023-09-21 13:15:42 +09:00
| Name | Description | Desktops | Status |
| ---- | ----------- | -------- | ------ |
| default | No theming applied | All | Complete |
| gruvbox | Fall / Retro groovy theme | Hyprland/Gnome | Hyprland Complete, Gnome WIP |
| synth | Synthwave / Cyberpunk theme | Hyprland/Gnome | Work in Progress |
## Desktops
### gnome
1. `nixos/common/desktops/gnome/default.nix` - Change the imports at the bottom.
2. `home-manager/hosts/$HOSTNAME/desktops/gnome-conf.nix` - Change the variables at the top.
### hyprland
1. `home-manager/hosts/$HOSTNAME/desktops/hyprland/$THEME/hyprland-conf.nix` - Change the `WALLPAPER_DIR` variable in `".config/hypr/".text`
2. `home-manager/hosts/$HOSTNAME/desktops/hyprland/$THEME/hyprland-conf.nix` - Change `col.active_border` and `col.inactive_border` in the `general` section.
3. `home-manager/bash.nix` - Update the `sessionVariable` variable `GTK_THEME`
## Software
### waybar
1. `home-manager/hosts/$HOSTNAME/desktops/hyprland/$THEME/waybar-conf.nix` - Update all relevant colors. Possibly make configs for colorschemes and import them.
### swaylock
1. `home-manager/hosts/$HOSTNAME/desktops/hyprland/$THEME/swaylock-conf.nix` - Update all relevant colors. Possibly make configs for colorschemes and import them.
### kitty
1. `home-manager/common/software/cli/kitty.nix` - Update the content of `home.file.".config/kitty/theme.conf".text`
### Firefox
1. `home-manager/common/software/gui/firefox.nix` - Change the entry under "# Theming"
### btop
1. `home-manager/common/software/cli/btop.nix` - Set `color_theme`
### bash / powerline
1. `home-manager/common/software/cli/bash.nix` - Set `theme` in `programs.powerline-go.settings`
### neofetch
1. `home-manager/common/software/cli/neofetch.nix` - Update the contents of `home.file.".config/neofetch/config.conf".text`
### wlogout
1. `home-manager/hosts/$HOSTNAME/desktops/hyprland/$THEME/wlogout.nix` - Update the `style.css` section
## Text Editors
### emacs
1. `home-manager/common/software/cli/doom-emacs.d/packages.el` - Include your theme here, if needed
2. `home-manager/common/software/cli/doom-emacs.d/config.el` - Set your theme here `(setq doom-theme '$THEME_NAME)`
### neovim
1. Theming done within vim itself `<SPC> t h`