diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 5ca15072..d1c2f128 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -52,27 +52,27 @@ Repo for nix configuration files --- # Theming * To change system-wide themes, you need to change the following: -### gnome +#### gnome 1. `desktops/gnome.nix` - Change the imports at the bottom. 2. `users/albert/gnome-dconf.nix` - Change the theme variants in the following: * `org/gnome/shell/extensions/nightthemeswitcher/gtk-variants` * `org/gnome/shell/extensions/nightthemeswitcher/icon-variants` * `org/gnome/shell/extensions/nightthemeswitcher/shell-variants` -### neovim +#### neovim 1. `home-manager/neovim.nix` - Change the following: * `plugins = with pkgs.vimPlugins` - Add your theme under "Themes" * `extraConfig` - Change the `colorscheme` and `AirlineTheme` sections -### hyprland / waybar +#### hyprland / waybar 1. WIP -### kitty +#### kitty 1. `home-manager/kitty.nix` - Update the content of `home.file.".config/kitty/theme.conf".text` -### Firefox +#### Firefox 1. `home-manager/firefox.nix` - Change the entry under "# Theming" -### btop +#### btop 1. `home-manager/btop.nix` - Set `color_theme` -### bash / powerline +#### bash / powerline 1. `home-manager/bash.nix` - Set `theme` in `programs.powerline-go.settings` -### neofetch +#### neofetch 1. `home-manager/neofetch.nix` - Update the contents of `home.file.".config/neofetch/config.conf".text` # GPG Keys