{ inputs, pkgs, system, ... }: {
  imports = [ ./small.nix ];

  # List packages installed in system profile
  environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
    nfs-utils    # nfs network share tools
    sbctl        # Secureboot Control
    wget         # WebGet
    killall      # Killall
    curl         # Curl - For web requests
    ncdu         # ncurses style browser for du/dust
    du-dust      # better UI for 'du"
    home-manager # manage dotfiles
    iftop        # interface top - network usage
    nload        # network load - Network usage graphs
    iotop        # I/O top viewer - disk r/w, etc
    fx           # Pretty print JSON
    nodejs       # Required by fx
    parted       # Disk partitioner / Formatter
    e2fsprogs    # disk format utilities, like mkfs.ext4
    openssl      # Used to generate certs, random strings, etc
    tree         # CLI directory display software
    nmap         # network mapping / discovery software
    busybox      # General linux commands, nslookup, dig, etc
    ethtool      # Ethernet troubleshooting:with
    file         # Shows the types of files