{ pkgs, system, ... }: { 
  # List packages installed in system profile
  environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
    tmux         # terminal multiplexer
    rbw          # CLI app for Bitwarden
    dconf        # Required for stylix
    ripgrep      # Better grep
    git          # git!
    bat          # Like cat, but with syntax highlighting
    eza          # like ls, but prettier
    duf          # replacement / prettier UI for df
    gnupg        # GNU Privacy Guard
    screen       # Terminal screen manager
    btop         # like htop, but prettier
    sshpass      # ssh password helper
    fd           # alternative to "Find"
    cryptsetup   # used to open LUKS devices
    fish         # Shell
    fastfetch    # system information viewer
    zoxide       # Souped up "cd"
    rsync        # copy/sync 