# NixOS Configuration Repository ## NOTE: These configs expect this repo to be cloned to /etc/nixos/git/ ``` git clone https://git.sysctl.io/albert/nix /etc/nixos/git ln -s /etc/nixos/git/flake.nix /etc/nixos/flake.nix nixos-rebuild switch --flake '/etc/nixos#<HOSTNAME>' ```  --- # To Do List * [ ] Find a way to remove all default search engines in Firefox (Google, Amazon, etc) * [ ] Figure out what the home-manager `account` options are for. * [ ] Figure out how to get GPG SSH auth working * [ ] Security hardening * [ ] cronjob * [ ] Change wallpaper at a certain time of day * [ ] emacs * [ ] Add bracket auto-completion * [ ] Find a way to have magit save login credentials * [ ] Hyprland * [x] Add a button for wlogout to waybar [x] Waybar inhibit button * [x] set up pinentry on awesome-hyprland * [x] wayprompt * [x] Needs an overlay? Can't find it in search * [ ] wlogout themingd * [ ] Try disko - [Link](https://github.com/nix-community/disko) * [ ] btrfs snapshots * [ ] vscodium and user-config.js file? * [ ] rofi - bitwarden-cli / bitwarden-menu ([Link](https://search.nixos.org/packages?channel=23.05&show=bitwarden-menu&from=0&size=50&sort=relevance&type=packages&query=bitwarden)) Completed ToDo List [here](complete.md) --- # Information ### Home Manager * Home Manager Documentation - [Link](https://nix-community.github.io/home-manager/index.html) * Home Manager Options Search - [Link](https://mipmip.github.io/home-manager-option-search/) ### NixOS * NixOS Documentation - Stable - [Link](https://nixos.org/manual/nixos/stable/) * NixOS Packages / Options Search - [Link](https://search.nixos.org/) * Nix User Repository (NUR) Search - [Link](https://nur.nix-community.org/) ### Useful Links * FlakeHub - [Link](https://flakehub.com) * Track a Nixpkgs PR - [Link](https://nixpk.gs/pr-tracker.html) * Awesome-Hyprland - [Link](https://github.com/hyprland-community/awesome-hyprland) ### Examples * Tons of good examples here - [Link](https://github.com/Mic92/dotfiles/blob/main/nixos/modules/) * NixOS Flakes Intro Guide - [Link](https://nixos-and-flakes.thiscute.world/) ### Theming * Neofetch Themes - [Link](https://github.com/Chick2D/neofetch-themes/) * gruvbox-factory - [Link](https://github.com/paulopacitti/gruvbox-factory) * Hyprland Gruvboxy - [Link](https://github.com/0bCdian/Hyprland_dotfiles/tree/gruvboxy) --- # Theming * To change system-wide themes, you need to change the following: ## Desktops ### gnome 1. `nixos/common/desktops/gnome/default.nix` - Change the imports at the bottom. 2. `home-manager/hosts/$HOSTNAME/desktops/gnome-conf.nix` - Change the variables at the top. ### hyprland 1. `home-manager/hosts/$HOSTNAME/desktops/hyprland/$THEME/hyprland-conf.nix` - Change the `WALLPAPER_DIR` variable in `".config/hypr/start.sh".text` 2. `home-manager/hosts/$HOSTNAME/desktops/hyprland/$THEME/hyprland-conf.nix` - Change `col.active_border` and `col.inactive_border` in the `general` section. 3. `home-manager/bash.nix` - Update the `sessionVariable` variable `GTK_THEME` ## Software ### waybar 1. `home-manager/hosts/$HOSTNAME/desktops/hyprland/$THEME/waybar-conf.nix` - Update all relevant colors. Possibly make configs for colorschemes and import them. ### swaylock 1. `home-manager/hosts/$HOSTNAME/desktops/hyprland/$THEME/swaylock-conf.nix` - Update all relevant colors. Possibly make configs for colorschemes and import them. ### kitty 1. `home-manager/common/software/cli/kitty.nix` - Update the content of `home.file.".config/kitty/theme.conf".text` ### Firefox 1. `home-manager/common/software/gui/firefox.nix` - Change the entry under "# Theming" ### btop 1. `home-manager/common/software/cli/btop.nix` - Set `color_theme` ### bash / powerline 1. `home-manager/common/software/cli/bash.nix` - Set `theme` in `programs.powerline-go.settings` ### neofetch 1. `home-manager/common/software/cli/neofetch.nix` - Update the contents of `home.file.".config/neofetch/config.conf".text` ### wlogout 1. `home-manager/hosts/$HOSTNAME/desktops/hyprland/$THEME/wlogout.nix` - Update the `style.css` section ## Text Editors ### emacs 1. `home-manager/common/software/cli/doom-emacs.d/packages.el` - Include your theme here, if needed 2. `home-manager/common/software/cli/doom-emacs.d/config.el` - Set your theme here `(setq doom-theme '$THEME_NAME)` ### neovim 1. Theming done within vim itself `<SPC> t h` --- # GPG Keys 1. Import the user private key: `gpg import gpg/users/albert/privkey.asc` 2. Mark it as trusted: `gpg --edit-key albert@sysctl.io`, then type `trust`, then `5` 3. On each new machine, run `nix-shell -p ssh-to-pgp --run "ssh-to-pgp -i /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key -o HOSTNAME.asc"` * This will output the identifier you add to `.sops.yaml` * Move `HOSTNAME.asc` to `keys/hosts/` and upload to git and rename accordingly. # Secrets 1. To edit a file: cd to `/path/to/nix-files/` and run: * `nix-shell -p sops --run "sops secrets/secret_file.yml"` * New shell alias: `sops secrets/secret_file.yml` 2. When you add a new machine, you must update the secrets files encryption. * Run `sops-update secrets/secrets.yaml` and commit the change. # Lanzaboote / SecureBoot * Instructions here - [Link](https://git.sysctl.io/Mirrors/lanzaboote/src/branch/master/docs/QUICK_START.md) 1. Create your keys: `sbctl create-keys` 2. Verify your machine is ready for SecureBoot: `sbctl verify` - Everything except `*-bzImage.efi` are signed 3. Enter Secureboot Setup mode in your EFI Settings on the motherboard (F10) * Security -> SecureBoot -> Set to Enabled and "Reset to Setup Mode" and exit 4. Enroll the keys: `sbctl enroll-keys --microsoft` * If you wish, you can select `--tpm-eventlog`, but checksums will change later (ie, at a kernel rebuild) 5. Reboot and verify you are activated: `bootctl status` # Other * Waybar inspirations * https://github.com/Pipshag/dotfiles_nord * https://github.com/hajosattila/dotfiles/ * https://gist.github.com/toger5/3a509d9a9d7ebba1e02205b00449ccff