{ theme, ... }: { programs.konsole = { defaultProfile = "Default"; profiles.Default = { name = "Default"; font = { name = "Jetbrains Mono NF"; }; }; }; programs.plasma = { enable = true; overrideConfig = true; configFile = { kscreenlockerrc = { # Set Lock Screen Wallpaper "Greeter/Wallpaper/org.kde.image/General" = { Image = "/etc/nixos/git/wallpapers/${theme}/wallpaper1.png"; PreviewImage = "/etc/nixos/git/wallpapers/${theme}/wallpaper1.png"; }; }; # Set the activity manager default activity to match the one for Tiling kactivitymanagerdrc = { activities.d67b1509-69a3-585f-adcc-1048a4265c4f = "Default"; main.currentActivity = "d67b1509-69a3-585f-adcc-1048a4265c4f"; }; kwinrc = { # Tiling - Single Screen Tiling.Padding = 10; "Tiling/d67b1509-69a3-585f-adcc-1048a4265c4f" = { tiles = "{ \"layoutDirection\":\"horizontal\", \"tiles\":[ { \"layoutDirection\":\"vertical\", \"tiles\":[ { \"height\":0.5 }, { \"height\":0.5 } ], \"width\":0.4 }, { \"width\":0.6 } ] }"; }; # Set window border size "org.kde.kdecoration2" = { BorderSize = "None"; BorderSizeAuto = false; }; # Set NightLight coordinates NightColor = { Active = true; Mode = "Location"; NightTemperature = 3500; LatitudeFixed = 34.6583850931677; LongitudeFixed = 138.0368098159509; }; # Set Virtual Desktops Desktops = { Rows = 1; Number = { value = 4; immutable = true; }; }; }; }; workspace = { clickItemTo = "select"; # iconTheme = "Breeze"; wallpaper = "/etc/nixos/git/wallpapers/${theme}/wallpaper1.png"; theme = "Arc-Dark"; colorScheme = "Arc"; cursor.theme = "Adwaita"; }; panels = [ { location = "bottom"; floating = true; height = 38; widgets = [ { name = "org.kde.plasma.kicker"; config = { General.icon = "nix-snowflake-white"; }; } { name = "org.kde.plasma.icontasks"; config = { General.launchers = [ "applications:org.kde.dolphin.desktop" "applications:firefox.desktop" "applications:bitwarden.desktop" "applications:org.kde.konsole.desktop" "applications:steam.desktop" ]; }; } "org.kde.plasma.marginsseparator" "org.kde.plasma.pager" { systemTray = { icons.spacing = "small"; items = { shown = [ "org.kde.plasma.volume" "org.kde.plasma.networkmanagement" ]; hidden = [ "org.kde.plasma.bluetooth" "org.kde.plasma.mediaplayer" "org.kde.plasma.manage-inputmethod" "org.kde.plasma.keyboardindicator" "org.kde.plasma.keyboardlayout" "org.kde.plasma.cameraindicator" "org.kde.plasma.brightness" "org.kde.plasma.nightlight" "org.kde.plasma.clipboard" ]; }; }; } { digitalClock = { calendar.firstDayOfWeek = "sunday"; time = { format = "24h"; showSeconds = "never"; }; date.enable = false; }; } ]; } ]; fonts = { general = { family = "JetBrains Mono"; pointSize = 12; }; }; }; }