# Done * [x] ranger * [x] Set up `kitten icat` as the image viewer program * [x] neovim * [x] Figure out how to install vim-fugitive in nvchad * [x] weechat / weechat-matrix * [x] weechat overlay - [Link](https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Weechat) - for weechat-matrix * [x] Laptop-specific * [x] Set automatic suspend-then-hibernate on lid-close * [x] FIgure out how to enter automatic hibernate on Win-L * [x] doom-emacs / spacemacs overlay install / configuration * [x] hyprland * [x] Add a button for wlogout to waybar [x] Waybar inhibit button * [x] set up pinentry on awesome-hyprland * [x] wayprompt * [x] Needs an overlay? Can't find it in search * [x] wlogout theming * [x] Find a way to adjust window sizes with a keyboard shortcut in Hyprland * [x] Swayidle inhibit whnn watching a video * [x] Fix cursor size * [x] Get swaylock to dim / turn off the screen, then enter suspend/hibernate * [x] swayosd * [x] cli-based filebrowser for hyprland * Installed `ranger` * [x] Try hyprctl * [x] hyprbars - [Link](https://github.com/hyprwm/hyprland-plugins/tree/main/hyprbars) * [x] libinput-gestures? * [x] configure programs.light - keybinds in hyprland config * [x] authentication agent (like polkit-kde-agent) * [x] Set GTK theme for GTK apps * [x] Remove rofi alt-tab shortcuts. Find another alternative * [x] Get the video card working properly (turn off entirely unless in use by a game) * [x] Possibly move away from powerline-go - I want something simpler * Staying with powerline-go, just editing the config in `home-manager/bash.nix` * [x] Set up the fingerprint reader - [Link](https://www.makeuseof.com/set-up-fingerprint-scanner-with-pam-on-linux/) * [x] sublime music config / theming / integration - [Link](https://docs.sublimemusic.app/) * [x] rofi config / theming * [x] nvidia drivers * [x] WINE configurations * [x] btop config / theming * [x] swaylock config / theming * [x] Get function keys working (sound, brightness, etc) * [x] regreet config / theming - Icons still broken for some reason * Possibly switch to tuigreet and gruv it * [x] mako config / theming * [x] waybar config / theming * [x] hyprland config / theming * [x] Try `libinput-gestures` for gesture control of Hyprland - [Link](https://github.com/bulletmark/libinput-gestures) * [x] powerline config / theming * [x] neofetch config / theming * [x] kitty config / theming * [x] libadwaita theming on Gnome stuck??* * [x] Set up IP forwarding via sysctl * Sep 15 14:48:33 nixos-rpi4-01 tailscaled-autoconnect-start[103336]: Warning: IP forwarding is disabled, subnet routing/exit nodes will not work. * [x] Raspberry Pi 1: * [x] Set up Tailscale with pre-auth keys (services.tailscale.authKeyFile, add the key to secrets/secrets.yaml) * `${hostname}-tailscale-key` * [x] Set up sops and gpg * [x] Configure GameMode / Gamescope * [x] Try disko - [Link](https://github.com/nix-community/disko) * [x] Look into `nix develop` - [Link](https://zero-to-nix.com/concepts/nix#unified-cli) * [x] Fix Grafana * [x] Build a better dashboard to monitor all my nixified devices * [x] Look into Remote Builds - [Link](https://nixos.org/manual/nix/stable/advanced-topics/distributed-builds.html) * [x] Reorganize Home-Manager * [x] Split configs into a common and host-specific config (see hyprland on nixos-vm-02 in home-manager for instance)