{ pkgs, ... }: { # Telegraf Monitoring # Set up the secrets file for the token: sops.secrets."services/telegraf" = { owner = "telegraf"; sopsFile = ../../../secrets/secrets.yaml; restartUnits = [ "telegraf.service" ]; }; # Install the package environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ lm_sensors telegraf smartmontools nvme-cli ]; # Allow telegraf to talk to other executables it requires: systemd.services.telegraf = { path = [ pkgs.lm_sensors # sensors pkgs.smartmontools # smartctl pkgs.sudo # sudo pkgs.nvme-cli # nvme command for smartctl "/run/current-system/sw/bin/nixos-version" ]; }; # Configure the package: services.telegraf = { enable = true; environmentFiles = [ /run/secrets/services/telegraf ]; extraConfig = { outputs = { influxdb_v2 = { urls = [ "https://influx.sysctl.io/" ]; token = "$TELEGRAF_TOKEN"; organization = "default"; bucket = "telegrafdb"; http_headers = { Authorization = "Token $TELEGRAF_TOKEN"; }; }; }; inputs = { cpu = { percpu = true; totalcpu = true; collect_cpu_time = false; report_active = false; }; disk = { ignore_fs = ["tmpfs" "devtmpfs" "devfs" "iso9660" "overlay" "aufs" "squashfs"]; }; diskio = {}; kernel = {}; mem = {}; processes = {}; swap = {}; system = {}; net = {}; # nvidia_smi = {}; sensors = {}; smart = { timeout = "30s"; }; temp = {}; wireless = {}; exec =[ { commands = [ "/run/current-system/sw/bin/nixos-version" ]; name_suffix = "_nixos-version"; data_format = "value"; data_type = "string"; } { commands = [ "/run/current-system/sw/bin/uname" "-r" ]; name_suffix = "_kernel-version"; data_format = "value"; data_type = "string"; } ]; }; }; }; }