{ ... }: {
  programs.gpg = {
    enable = true;
    settings = {
      # https://github.com/drduh/config/blob/master/gpg.conf
      # https://www.gnupg.org/documentation/manuals/gnupg/GPG-Options.html
      # 'gpg --version' to get capabilities
      # Use AES256, 192, or 128 as cipher
      personal-cipher-preferences = "AES256 AES192 AES";
      # Use SHA512, 384, or 256 as digest
      personal-digest-preferences = "SHA512 SHA384 SHA256";
      # Use ZLIB, BZIP2, ZIP, or no compression
      personal-compress-preferences = "ZLIB BZIP2 ZIP Uncompressed";
      # Default preferences for new keys
      default-preference-list = "SHA512 SHA384 SHA256 AES256 AES192 AES ZLIB BZIP2 ZIP Uncompressed";
      # SHA512 as digest to sign keys
      cert-digest-algo = "SHA512";
      # SHA512 as digest for symmetric ops
      s2k-digest-algo = "SHA512";
      # AES256 as cipher for symmetric ops
      s2k-cipher-algo = "AES256";
      # UTF-8 support for compatibility
      charset = "utf-8";
      # No comments in messages
      no-comments = true;
      # No version in output
      no-emit-version = true;
      # Disable banner
      no-greeting = true;
      # Long key id format
      keyid-format = "0xlong";
      # Display UID validity
      list-options = "show-uid-validity";
      verify-options = "show-uid-validity";
      # Display all keys and their fingerprints
      with-fingerprint = true;
      # Display key origins and updates
      # Cross-certify subkeys are present and valid
      require-cross-certification = true;
      # Disable caching of passphrase for symmetrical ops
      no-symkey-cache = true;
      # Output ASCII instead of binary
      armor = true;
      # Enable smartcard
      use-agent = true;
      # Disable recipient key ID in messages (breaks Mailvelope)
      throw-keyids = true;
      # Default key ID to use (helpful with throw-keyids)
      #default-key 0xFF3E7D88647EBCDB
      #trusted-key 0xFF3E7D88647EBCDB
      # Group recipient keys (preferred ID last)
      #group keygroup = 0xFF00000000000001 0xFF00000000000002 0xFF3E7D88647EBCDB
      # Keyserver URL
      #keyserver hkps://keys.openpgp.org
      #keyserver hkps://keys.mailvelope.com
      #keyserver hkps://keyserver.ubuntu.com:443
      #keyserver hkps://pgpkeys.eu
      #keyserver hkps://pgp.circl.lu
      #keyserver hkp://zkaan2xfbuxia2wpf7ofnkbz6r5zdbbvxbunvp5g2iebopbfc4iqmbad.onion
      # Keyserver proxy
      #keyserver-options http-proxy=
      #keyserver-options http-proxy=socks5-hostname://
      # Enable key retrieval using WKD and DANE
      #auto-key-locate wkd,dane,local
      # Trust delegation mechanism
      #trust-model tofu+pgp
      # Show expired subkeys
      #list-options show-unusable-subkeys
      # Verbose output