# NixOS Configuration Repository
Repo for nix configuration files
# Information
  * Home Manager Documentation - [Link](https://nix-community.github.io/home-manager/index.html)
  * Home Manager Options Search - [Link](https://mipmip.github.io/home-manager-option-search/)
  * NixOS Documentation - Stable - [Link](https://nixos.org/manual/nixos/stable/)
  * NixOS Packages / Options Search - [Link](https://search.nixos.org/)
  * Nix User Repository (NUR) Search - [Link](https://nur.nix-community.org/)
  * Tons of good examples here - [Link](https://github.com/Mic92/dotfiles/blob/main/nixos/modules/)

# Theming
* To change system-wide themes, you need to change the following:
  1.  `desktops/gnome.nix` - Change the imports at the bottom.
  2.  `users/albert/gnome-dconf.nix` - Change the theme variants in the following:
      * `org/gnome/shell/extensions/nightthemeswitcher/gtk-variants`
      * `org/gnome/shell/extensions/nightthemeswitcher/icon-variants`
      * `org/gnome/shell/extensions/nightthemeswitcher/shell-variants`
  3.  `common/dotfiles/neovim.nix` - Change the following:
      * `plugins = with pkgs.vimPlugins` - Add your theme under "Themes"
      * `extraConfig` - Change the `colorscheme` section

# GPG Keys
1.  Import your GPG key `albert.key`
2.  Add it to your GPG Keyring via `gpg --import albert.key`
3.  Mark it as ultimately trusted via `gpg --edit-key albert@sysctl.io`, then type `trust`, then `5`
4.  Repeat this step for all users who need a GPG key assigned

# SOPS Secrets
1.  To edit a file: cd to `/path/to/nix-files/` and run:
    * `nix-shell -p sops --run "sops secrets/secret_file.yml`
    * New shell alias: `sops secrets/secret_file.yml`
2.  Ensure your GPG keys are set up.

# Lanzaboote / SecureBoot
*  Instructions here - [Link](https://git.sysctl.io/Mirrors/lanzaboote/src/branch/master/docs/QUICK_START.md)
1. Create your keys: `sbctl create-keys`
2.  Verify your machine is ready for SecureBoot:  `sbctl verify` - Everything except `*-bzImage.efi` are signed  
3.  Enter Secureboot Setup mode in your EFI Settings on the motherboard (F10)
    * Security -> SecureBoot -> Set to Enabled and "Reset to Setup Mode" and exit
4.  Enroll the keys:  `sbctl enroll-keys --microsoft` 
    * If you wish, you acan select --tpm-eventlog, but checksums will change later (ie, at a kernel rebuild)
5.  Reboot and verify you are activated:  `bootctl status`