#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail ## Defaults keepGensDef=7 keepDaysDef=14 keepGens=$keepGensDef; keepDays=$keepDaysDef ## Usage usage () { printf "Usage:\n\t ./trim-generations.sh <keep-gernerations> <keep-days> <profile> \n\n (defaults are: Keep-Gens=$keepGensDef Keep-Days=$keepDaysDef Profile=user)\n\n" printf "If you enter any parameters, you must enter all three, or none to use defaults.\n" printf "Example:\n\t trim-generations.sh 15 10 home-manager\n" printf " this will work on the home-manager profile and keep all generations from the\n" printf "last 10 days, and keep at least 15 generations no matter how old.\n" printf "\nProfiles available are:\tuser, home-manager, channels, system (root)\n" printf "\n-h or --help prints this help text." } if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then # if help requested if [ $1 = "-h" ]; then usage exit 1; fi if [ $1 = "--help" ]; then usage exit 2; fi printf "Dont recognise your option exiting..\n\n" usage exit 3; elif [ $# -eq 0 ]; then # print the defaults printf "The current defaults are:\n Keep-Gens=$keepGensDef Keep-Days=$keepDaysDef \n\n" read -p "Keep these defaults? (y/n):" answer case "$answer" in [yY1] ) printf "Using defaults..\n" ;; [nN0] ) printf "ok, doing nothing, exiting..\n" exit 6; ;; * ) printf "%b" "Doing nothing, exiting.." exit 7; ;; esac fi ## Handle parameters (and change if root) if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then # if not root profile=$(readlink /home/$USER/.nix-profile) else if [ -d /nix/var/nix/profiles/system ]; then # maybe this or the other profile="/nix/var/nix/profiles/system" elif [ -d /nix/var/nix/profiles/default ]; then profile="/nix/var/nix/profiles/default" else echo "Cant find profile for root. Exiting" exit 8 fi fi if (( $# < 1 )); then printf "Keeping default: $keepGensDef generations OR $keepDaysDef days, whichever is more\n" elif [[ $# -le 2 ]]; then printf "\nError: Not enough arguments.\n\n" >&2 usage exit 1 elif (( $# > 4)); then printf "\nError: Too many arguments.\n\n" >&2 usage exit 2 else if [ $1 -lt 1 ]; then printf "using Gen numbers less than 1 not recommended. Setting to min=1\n" read -p "is that ok? (y/n): " asnwer #printf "$asnwer" case "$asnwer" in [yY1] ) printf "ok, continuing..\n" ;; [nN0] ) printf "ok, doing nothing, exiting..\n" exit 6; ;; * ) printf "%b" "Doing nothing, exiting.." exit 7; ;; esac fi if [ $2 -lt 0 ]; then printf "using negative days number not recommended. Setting to min=0\n" read -p "is that ok? (y/n): " asnwer case "$asnwer" in [yY1] ) printf "ok, continuing..\n" ;; [nN0] ) printf "ok, doing nothing, exiting..\n" exit 6; ;; * ) printf "%b" "Doing nothing, exiting.." exit 7; ;; esac fi keepGens=$1; keepDays=$2; (( keepGens < 1 )) && keepGens=1 (( keepDays < 0 )) && keepDays=0 if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then if [[ $3 == "user" ]] || [[ $3 == "default" ]]; then profile=$(readlink /home/$USER/.nix-profile) elif [[ $3 == "home-manager" ]]; then # home-manager defaults to $XDG_STATE_HOME; otherwise, use # `home-manager generations` and `nix-store --query --roots # /nix/store/...` to figure out what reference is keeping the old # generations alive. profile="${XDG_STATE_HOME:-$HOME/.local/state}/nix/profiles/home-manager" elif [[ $3 == "channels" ]]; then profile="/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/$USER/channels" else printf "\nError: Do not understand your third argument. Should be one of: (user / home-manager/ channels)\n\n" usage exit 3 fi else if [[ $3 == "system" ]]; then profile="/nix/var/nix/profiles/system" elif [[ $3 == "user" ]] || [[ $3 == "default" ]]; then profile="/nix/var/nix/profiles/default" else printf "\nError: Do not understand your third argument. Should be one of: (user / system)\n\n" usage exit 3 fi fi printf "OK! \t Keep Gens = $keepGens \t Keep Days = $keepDays\n\n" fi printf "Operating on profile: \t $profile\n\n" ## Runs at the end, to decide whether to delete profiles that match chosen parameters. choose () { local default="$1" local prompt="$2" local answer read -p "$prompt" answer [ -z "$answer" ] && answer="$default" case "$answer" in [yY1] ) #printf "answered yes!\n" nix-env --delete-generations -p $profile ${!gens[@]} exit 0 ;; [nN0] ) printf "Ok doing nothing exiting..\n" exit 6; ;; * ) printf "%b" "Unexpected answer '$answer'!" >&2 exit 7; ;; esac } # end of function choose # printf "profile = $profile\n\n" ## Query nix-env for generations list IFS=$'\n' nixGens=( $(nix-env --list-generations -p $profile | sed 's:^\s*::; s:\s*$::' | tr '\t' ' ' | tr -s ' ') ) timeNow=$(date +%s) ## Get info on oldest generation IFS=' ' read -r -a oldestGenArr <<< "${nixGens[0]}" oldestGen=${oldestGenArr[0]} oldestDate=${oldestGenArr[1]} printf "%-30s %s\n" "oldest generation:" $oldestGen #oldestDate=${nixGens[0]:3:19} printf "%-30s %s\n" "oldest generation created:" $oldestDate oldestTime=$(date -d "$oldestDate" +%s) oldestElapsedSecs=$((timeNow-oldestTime)) oldestElapsedMins=$((oldestElapsedSecs/60)) oldestElapsedHours=$((oldestElapsedMins/60)) oldestElapsedDays=$((oldestElapsedHours/24)) printf "%-30s %s\n" "minutes before now:" $oldestElapsedMins printf "%-30s %s\n" "hours before now:" $oldestElapsedHours printf "%-30s %s\n\n" "days before now:" $oldestElapsedDays ## Get info on current generation for i in "${nixGens[@]}"; do IFS=' ' read -r -a iGenArr <<< "$i" genNumber=${iGenArr[0]} genDate=${iGenArr[1]} if [[ "$i" =~ current ]]; then currentGen=$genNumber printf "%-30s %s\n" "current generation:" $currentGen currentDate=$genDate printf "%-30s %s\n" "current generation created:" $currentDate currentTime=$(date -d "$currentDate" +%s) currentElapsedSecs=$((timeNow-currentTime)) currentElapsedMins=$((currentElapsedSecs/60)) currentElapsedHours=$((currentElapsedMins/60)) currentElapsedDays=$((currentElapsedHours/24)) printf "%-30s %s\n" "minutes before now:" $currentElapsedMins printf "%-30s %s\n" "hours before now:" $currentElapsedHours printf "%-30s %s\n\n" "days before now:" $currentElapsedDays fi done ## Compare oldest and current generations timeBetweenOldestAndCurrent=$((currentTime-oldestTime)) elapsedDays=$((timeBetweenOldestAndCurrent/60/60/24)) generationsDiff=$((currentGen-oldestGen)) ## Figure out what we should do, based on generations and options if [[ elapsedDays -le keepDays ]]; then printf "All generations are no more than $keepDays days older than current generation. \nOldest gen days difference from current gen: $elapsedDays \n\n\tNothing to do!\n" exit 4; elif [[ generationsDiff -lt keepGens ]]; then printf "Oldest generation ($oldestGen) is only $generationsDiff generations behind current ($currentGen). \n\n\t Nothing to do!\n" exit 5; else printf "\tSomething to do...\n" declare -a gens for i in "${nixGens[@]}"; do IFS=' ' read -r -a iGenArr <<< "$i" genNumber=${iGenArr[0]} genDiff=$((currentGen-genNumber)) genDate=${iGenArr[1]} genTime=$(date -d "$genDate" +%s) elapsedSecs=$((timeNow-genTime)) genDaysOld=$((elapsedSecs/60/60/24)) if [[ genDaysOld -gt keepDays ]] && [[ genDiff -ge keepGens ]]; then gens["$genNumber"]="$genDate, $genDaysOld day(s) old" fi done printf "\nFound the following generation(s) to delete:\n" for K in "${!gens[@]}"; do printf "generation $K \t ${gens[$K]}\n" done printf "\n" choose "y" "Do you want to delete these? [Y/n]: " fi