# Send the gotify notification:

GOTIFY_TOKEN=`cat /var/run/secrets/gotify_token | head -n 1`
payload="{\"message\": \"Data Vol Backup has started\nDate: `date`\", \"priority\": 2,\"title\": \"backups-rpi4:  Data Vol Backup Started\"}"
curl -X "POST" "https://gotify.sysctl.io/message" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Gotify-Key:  $GOTIFY_TOKEN" -d "$payload"

drive1=`lsblk -o NAME,SERIAL | grep -v luks | grep 9RGHYP8C | awk {'print $1'}`
drive2=`lsblk -o NAME,SERIAL | grep -v luks | grep 9RGXW93C | awk {'print $1'}`
drive3=`lsblk -o NAME,SERIAL | grep -v luks | grep 5QH05G3F | awk {'print $1'}`

mount1=`mount -l | grep $drive1`
mounted1=`echo $?`
mount2=`mount -l | grep $drive2`
mounted2=`echo $?`
mount3=`mount -l | grep $drive3`
mounted3=`echo $?`

echo "status"
echo "$drive1 / $mount1 / $mounted1"
echo "$drive2 / $mount2 / $mounted2"
echo "$drive3 / $mount3 / $mounted3"

# If any drive isn't found, exit:
if [[ $mounted1 != 0 ]] || [[ $mounted2 != 0 ]] || [[ $mounted3 != 0 ]] ; then
  payload="{\"message\": \"Data Vol Backup stopped.  One or more local drives are not mounted.\nDate: `date`\", \"priority\": 2,\"title\": \"backups-rpi4:  Data Vol Backup Stopped\"}"
  curl -X "POST" "https://gotify.sysctl.io/message" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Gotify-Key:  $GOTIFY_TOKEN" -d "$payload"

echo "Drive 1:  $drive1"
echo "Drive 2:  $drive2"
echo "Drive 3:  $drive3"

echo "Checking if the NAS is mounted on nuc-docker01:"
check=$(ssh root@nuc-docker01 df -h | grep | wc -l)
if [[ $check != 1 ]] ; then  
	payload="{\"message\": \"Data Vol Backup stopped.  Synology isn't mounted\nDate: `date`\", \"priority\": 2,\"title\": \"backups-rpi4:  Data Vol Backup Stopped\"}"
  curl -X "POST" "https://gotify.sysctl.io/message" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Gotify-Key:  $GOTIFY_TOKEN" -d "$payload"

echo -e "======= Time started :  `date`"

if [[ `ps aux | grep rsync | grep -v grep | grep -v rsync-data-vol` ]] ; then 
	echo -e "================================================================================"
	echo -e "rsync still running.  Exiting...."
	echo -e "======= Time complete:  `date`"

echo -e "================================================================================"
echo -e "======= Time:  `date`"
echo -e "rsync -avr --delete --exclude=Downloads/ --exclude='Data/Docker/sysctl.io/' root@nuc-docker01:/Storage/Data/ /mnt/$drive1/Data/" 
rsync -avr --delete --exclude=Downloads/ --exclude='Data/Docker/sysctl.io/' root@nuc-docker01:/Storage/Data/ /mnt/$drive1/Data/

echo -e "======= Time:  `date`"
echo -e "======= Time complete:  `date`"

echo "Sending completion message"
payload="{\"message\": \"Data Vol Backup completed\nDate: `date`\n`df -h | grep sda`\n`df -h | grep sdb`\n`df -h | grep sdc`\", \"priority\": 2,\"title\": \"backups-rpi4:  Data Vol Backup Complete\"}"
curl -X "POST" "https://gotify.sysctl.io/message" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Gotify-Key:  $GOTIFY_TOKEN" -d "$payload"