  programs.plasma = {
    enable = true;
    shortcuts = {
      "ActivityManager"."switch-to-activity-0bf1ae9c-755f-46e4-9598-f826be1dc9aa" = [ ];
      "KDE Keyboard Layout Switcher"."Switch to Last-Used Keyboard Layout" = "Meta+Alt+L";
      "KDE Keyboard Layout Switcher"."Switch to Next Keyboard Layout" = "Meta+Alt+K";
      "kaccess"."Toggle Screen Reader On and Off" = "Meta+Alt+S";
      "kcm_touchpad"."Disable Touchpad" = "Touchpad Off";
      "kcm_touchpad"."Enable Touchpad" = "Touchpad On";
      "kcm_touchpad"."Toggle Touchpad" = "Touchpad Toggle";
      "kded6"."display" = ["Display" "Meta+P"];
      "kmix"."decrease_microphone_volume" = "Microphone Volume Down";
      "kmix"."decrease_volume" = "Volume Down";
      "kmix"."decrease_volume_small" = "Shift+Volume Down";
      "kmix"."increase_microphone_volume" = "Microphone Volume Up";
      "kmix"."increase_volume" = "Volume Up";
      "kmix"."increase_volume_small" = "Shift+Volume Up";
      "kmix"."mic_mute" = ["Microphone Mute" "Meta+Volume Mute"];
      "kmix"."mute" = "Volume Mute";
      "ksmserver"."Halt Without Confirmation" = [ ];
      "ksmserver"."Lock Session" = ["Meta+L" "Screensaver"];
      "ksmserver"."Log Out" = "Ctrl+Alt+Del";
      "ksmserver"."Log Out Without Confirmation" = [ ];
      "ksmserver"."Reboot" = [ ];
      "ksmserver"."Reboot Without Confirmation" = [ ];
      "ksmserver"."Shut Down" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Activate Window Demanding Attention" = "Meta+Ctrl+A";
      "kwin"."Cycle Overview" = "Meta+Tab";
      "kwin"."Cycle Overview Opposite" = "Meta+Shift+Tab";
      "kwin"."Decrease Opacity" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Edit Tiles" = "Meta+T";
      "kwin"."Expose" = "Ctrl+F9";
      "kwin"."ExposeAll" = ["Ctrl+F10" "Launch (C)"];
      "kwin"."ExposeClass" = "Ctrl+F7";
      "kwin"."ExposeClassCurrentDesktop" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Grid View" = "Meta+G";
      "kwin"."Increase Opacity" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Kill Window" = "Meta+Ctrl+Esc";
      "kwin"."MoveMouseToCenter" = "Meta+F6";
      "kwin"."MoveMouseToFocus" = "Meta+F5";
      "kwin"."MoveZoomDown" = [ ];
      "kwin"."MoveZoomLeft" = [ ];
      "kwin"."MoveZoomRight" = [ ];
      "kwin"."MoveZoomUp" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Overview" = "Meta+W";
      "kwin"."Setup Window Shortcut" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Show Desktop" = "Meta+D";
      "kwin"."Suspend Compositing" = "Alt+Shift+F12";
      "kwin"."Switch One Desktop Down" = "Meta+Ctrl+Down";
      "kwin"."Switch One Desktop Up" = "Meta+Ctrl+Up";
      "kwin"."Switch One Desktop to the Left" = "Meta+Ctrl+Left";
      "kwin"."Switch One Desktop to the Right" = "Meta+Ctrl+Right";
      "kwin"."Switch Window Down" = "Meta+Alt+Down";
      "kwin"."Switch Window Left" = "Meta+Alt+Left";
      "kwin"."Switch Window Right" = "Meta+Alt+Right";
      "kwin"."Switch Window Up" = "Meta+Alt+Up";
      "kwin"."Switch to Desktop 1" = "Ctrl+F1";
      "kwin"."Switch to Desktop 10" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Switch to Desktop 11" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Switch to Desktop 12" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Switch to Desktop 13" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Switch to Desktop 14" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Switch to Desktop 15" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Switch to Desktop 16" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Switch to Desktop 17" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Switch to Desktop 18" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Switch to Desktop 19" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Switch to Desktop 2" = "Ctrl+F2";
      "kwin"."Switch to Desktop 20" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Switch to Desktop 3" = "Ctrl+F3";
      "kwin"."Switch to Desktop 4" = "Ctrl+F4";
      "kwin"."Switch to Desktop 5" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Switch to Desktop 6" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Switch to Desktop 7" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Switch to Desktop 8" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Switch to Desktop 9" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Switch to Next Desktop" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Switch to Next Screen" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Switch to Previous Desktop" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Switch to Previous Screen" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Switch to Screen 0" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Switch to Screen 1" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Switch to Screen 2" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Switch to Screen 3" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Switch to Screen 4" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Switch to Screen 5" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Switch to Screen 6" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Switch to Screen 7" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Switch to Screen Above" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Switch to Screen Below" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Switch to Screen to the Left" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Switch to Screen to the Right" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Toggle Night Color" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Toggle Window Raise/Lower" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Walk Through Windows" = "Alt+Tab";
      "kwin"."Walk Through Windows (Reverse)" = "Alt+Shift+Tab";
      "kwin"."Walk Through Windows Alternative" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Walk Through Windows Alternative (Reverse)" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Walk Through Windows of Current Application" = "Alt+`";
      "kwin"."Walk Through Windows of Current Application (Reverse)" = "Alt+~";
      "kwin"."Walk Through Windows of Current Application Alternative" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Walk Through Windows of Current Application Alternative (Reverse)" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window Above Other Windows" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window Below Other Windows" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window Close" = "Alt+F4";
      "kwin"."Window Fullscreen" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window Grow Horizontal" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window Grow Vertical" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window Lower" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window Maximize" = "Meta+PgUp";
      "kwin"."Window Maximize Horizontal" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window Maximize Vertical" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window Minimize" = "Meta+PgDown";
      "kwin"."Window Move" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window Move Center" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window No Border" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window On All Desktops" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window One Desktop Down" = "Meta+Ctrl+Shift+Down";
      "kwin"."Window One Desktop Up" = "Meta+Ctrl+Shift+Up";
      "kwin"."Window One Desktop to the Left" = "Meta+Ctrl+Shift+Left";
      "kwin"."Window One Desktop to the Right" = "Meta+Ctrl+Shift+Right";
      "kwin"."Window One Screen Down" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window One Screen Up" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window One Screen to the Left" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window One Screen to the Right" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window Operations Menu" = "Alt+F3";
      "kwin"."Window Pack Down" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window Pack Left" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window Pack Right" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window Pack Up" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window Quick Tile Bottom" = "Meta+Down";
      "kwin"."Window Quick Tile Bottom Left" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window Quick Tile Bottom Right" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window Quick Tile Left" = "Meta+Left";
      "kwin"."Window Quick Tile Right" = "Meta+Right";
      "kwin"."Window Quick Tile Top" = "Meta+Up";
      "kwin"."Window Quick Tile Top Left" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window Quick Tile Top Right" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window Raise" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window Resize" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window Shade" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window Shrink Horizontal" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window Shrink Vertical" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window to Desktop 1" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window to Desktop 10" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window to Desktop 11" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window to Desktop 12" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window to Desktop 13" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window to Desktop 14" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window to Desktop 15" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window to Desktop 16" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window to Desktop 17" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window to Desktop 18" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window to Desktop 19" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window to Desktop 2" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window to Desktop 20" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window to Desktop 3" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window to Desktop 4" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window to Desktop 5" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window to Desktop 6" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window to Desktop 7" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window to Desktop 8" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window to Desktop 9" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window to Next Desktop" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window to Next Screen" = "Meta+Shift+Right";
      "kwin"."Window to Previous Desktop" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window to Previous Screen" = "Meta+Shift+Left";
      "kwin"."Window to Screen 0" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window to Screen 1" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window to Screen 2" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window to Screen 3" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window to Screen 4" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window to Screen 5" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window to Screen 6" = [ ];
      "kwin"."Window to Screen 7" = [ ];
      "kwin"."view_actual_size" = [ ];
      "kwin"."view_zoom_in" = ["Meta++" "Meta+="];
      "kwin"."view_zoom_out" = "Meta+-";
      "mediacontrol"."mediavolumedown" = [ ];
      "mediacontrol"."mediavolumeup" = [ ];
      "mediacontrol"."nextmedia" = "Media Next";
      "mediacontrol"."pausemedia" = "Media Pause";
      "mediacontrol"."playmedia" = [ ];
      "mediacontrol"."playpausemedia" = "Media Play";
      "mediacontrol"."previousmedia" = "Media Previous";
      "mediacontrol"."stopmedia" = "Media Stop";
      "org_kde_powerdevil"."Decrease Keyboard Brightness" = "Keyboard Brightness Down";
      "org_kde_powerdevil"."Decrease Screen Brightness" = "Monitor Brightness Down";
      "org_kde_powerdevil"."Decrease Screen Brightness Small" = "Shift+Monitor Brightness Down";
      "org_kde_powerdevil"."Hibernate" = "Hibernate";
      "org_kde_powerdevil"."Increase Keyboard Brightness" = "Keyboard Brightness Up";
      "org_kde_powerdevil"."Increase Screen Brightness" = "Monitor Brightness Up";
      "org_kde_powerdevil"."Increase Screen Brightness Small" = "Shift+Monitor Brightness Up";
      "org_kde_powerdevil"."PowerDown" = "Power Down";
      "org_kde_powerdevil"."PowerOff" = "Power Off";
      "org_kde_powerdevil"."Sleep" = "Sleep";
      "org_kde_powerdevil"."Toggle Keyboard Backlight" = "Keyboard Light On/Off";
      "org_kde_powerdevil"."Turn Off Screen" = [ ];
      "org_kde_powerdevil"."powerProfile" = ["Battery" "Meta+B"];
      "plasmashell"."activate task manager entry 1" = "Meta+1";
      "plasmashell"."activate task manager entry 10" = "Meta+0";
      "plasmashell"."activate task manager entry 2" = "Meta+2";
      "plasmashell"."activate task manager entry 3" = "Meta+3";
      "plasmashell"."activate task manager entry 4" = "Meta+4";
      "plasmashell"."activate task manager entry 5" = "Meta+5";
      "plasmashell"."activate task manager entry 6" = "Meta+6";
      "plasmashell"."activate task manager entry 7" = "Meta+7";
      "plasmashell"."activate task manager entry 8" = "Meta+8";
      "plasmashell"."activate task manager entry 9" = "Meta+9";
      "plasmashell"."clear-history" = [ ];
      "plasmashell"."clipboard_action" = "Meta+Ctrl+X";
      "plasmashell"."cycle-panels" = "Meta+Alt+P";
      "plasmashell"."cycleNextAction" = [ ];
      "plasmashell"."cyclePrevAction" = [ ];
      "plasmashell"."manage activities" = "Meta+Q";
      "plasmashell"."next activity" = "Meta+A";
      "plasmashell"."previous activity" = "Meta+Shift+A";
      "plasmashell"."repeat_action" = [ ];
      "plasmashell"."show dashboard" = "Ctrl+F12";
      "plasmashell"."show-barcode" = [ ];
      "plasmashell"."show-on-mouse-pos" = "Meta+V";
      "plasmashell"."stop current activity" = "Meta+S";
      "plasmashell"."switch to next activity" = [ ];
      "plasmashell"."switch to previous activity" = [ ];
      "plasmashell"."toggle do not disturb" = [ ];
    configFile = {
      "dolphinrc"."KFileDialog Settings"."Places Icons Auto-resize" = false;
      "dolphinrc"."KFileDialog Settings"."Places Icons Static Size" = 22;
      "kactivitymanagerdrc"."activities"."0bf1ae9c-755f-46e4-9598-f826be1dc9aa" = "Default";
      "kactivitymanagerdrc"."main"."currentActivity" = "0bf1ae9c-755f-46e4-9598-f826be1dc9aa";
      "kcminputrc"."Mouse"."X11LibInputXAccelProfileFlat" = true;
      "kcminputrc"."Mouse"."XLbInptAccelProfileFlat" = false;
      "kcminputrc"."Mouse"."XLbInptPointerAcceleration" = "-0.6";
      "kcminputrc"."Mouse"."cursorTheme" = "ePapirus";
      "kded5rc"."Module-device_automounter"."autoload" = false;
      "kdeglobals"."General"."AccentColor" = "196,72,110";
      "kdeglobals"."General"."AllowKDEAppsToRememberWindowPositions" = true;
      "kdeglobals"."General"."accentColorFromWallpaper" = true;
      "kdeglobals"."KDE"."SingleClick" = true;
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      "kdeglobals"."KFileDialog Settings"."PathCombo Completionmode" = 5;
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      "kdeglobals"."KFileDialog Settings"."Show Full Path" = false;
      "kdeglobals"."KFileDialog Settings"."Show Inline Previews" = true;
      "kdeglobals"."KFileDialog Settings"."Show Preview" = false;
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      "kdeglobals"."KFileDialog Settings"."Show hidden files" = false;
      "kdeglobals"."KFileDialog Settings"."Sort by" = "Name";
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      "kdeglobals"."KFileDialog Settings"."Sort hidden files last" = false;
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      "kdeglobals"."WM"."inactiveForeground" = "163,165,172";
      "kglobalshortcutsrc"."ActivityManager"."_k_friendly_name" = "Activity Manager";
      "kglobalshortcutsrc"."KDE Keyboard Layout Switcher"."_k_friendly_name" = "Keyboard Layout Switcher";
      "kglobalshortcutsrc"."kaccess"."_k_friendly_name" = "Accessibility";
      "kglobalshortcutsrc"."kcm_touchpad"."_k_friendly_name" = "Touchpad";
      "kglobalshortcutsrc"."kded6"."_k_friendly_name" = "kded6";
      "kglobalshortcutsrc"."kmix"."_k_friendly_name" = "Audio Volume";
      "kglobalshortcutsrc"."ksmserver"."_k_friendly_name" = "Session Management";
      "kglobalshortcutsrc"."kwin"."_k_friendly_name" = "KWin";
      "kglobalshortcutsrc"."mediacontrol"."_k_friendly_name" = "Media Controller";
      "kglobalshortcutsrc"."org_kde_powerdevil"."_k_friendly_name" = "KDE Power Management System";
      "kglobalshortcutsrc"."plasmashell"."_k_friendly_name" = "plasmashell";
      "kwinrc"."Desktops"."Id_1" = "6397510c-04f5-4aaf-bff9-66cea108b111";
      "kwinrc"."Desktops"."Id_2" = "99b48444-5d80-4ea3-9602-35235349b6f9";
      "kwinrc"."Desktops"."Number" = 2;
      "kwinrc"."Desktops"."Rows" = 1;
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      "kwinrc"."NightColor"."LatitudeAuto" = 35.010000;
      "kwinrc"."NightColor"."LongitudeAuto" = 135.750000;
      "kwinrc"."Tiling"."padding" = 8;
      "kwinrc"."Tiling.8fb41a9a-cf1b-523a-8368-54507f6885e6"."tiles" = "{\"layoutDirection\":\"horizontal\",\"tiles\":[{\"width\":0.7046874999999998},{\"width\":0.2953125000000002}]}";
      "kwinrc"."Tiling.91ea1083-8eb3-59af-b2ce-03778d8cef2a"."tiles" = "{\"layoutDirection\":\"horizontal\",\"tiles\":[{\"layoutDirection\":\"vertical\",\"tiles\":[{\"height\":0.5},{\"height\":0.5}],\"width\":0.36484375},{\"width\":0.635156249999999}]}";
      "kwinrc"."org.kde.kdecoration2"."BorderSize" = "None";
      "kwinrc"."org.kde.kdecoration2"."BorderSizeAuto" = false;
      "plasma-localerc"."Formats"."LANG" = "en_US.UTF-8";
      "plasmarc"."Theme"."name" = "Arc-Dark";
      "plasmarc"."Wallpapers"."usersWallpapers" = "/etc/nixos/git/wallpapers/default/wallpaper1.png";
      "systemsettingsrc"."KFileDialog Settings"."detailViewIconSize" = 16;