7.7 KiB
7.7 KiB
- ranger
- Set up
kitten icat
as the image viewer program
- Set up
- neovim
- Figure out how to install vim-fugitive in nvchad
- weechat / weechat-matrix
- weechat overlay - Link - for weechat-matrix
- Laptop-specific
- Set automatic suspend-then-hibernate on lid-close
- FIgure out how to enter automatic hibernate on Win-L
- doom-emacs / spacemacs overlay install / configuration
- hyprland
- Add a button for wlogout to waybar [x] Waybar inhibit button
- set up pinentry on awesome-hyprland
- wayprompt
- Needs an overlay? Can't find it in search
- wayprompt
- wlogout theming
- Find a way to adjust window sizes with a keyboard shortcut in Hyprland
- Swayidle inhibit whnn watching a video
- Fix cursor size
- Get swaylock to dim / turn off the screen, then enter suspend/hibernate
- swayosd
- cli-based filebrowser for hyprland
- Installed
- Installed
- Try hyprctl
- hyprbars - Link
- libinput-gestures?
- configure programs.light - keybinds in hyprland config
- authentication agent (like polkit-kde-agent)
- Set GTK theme for GTK apps
- Remove rofi alt-tab shortcuts. Find another alternative
- Get the video card working properly (turn off entirely unless in use by a game)
- Possibly move away from powerline-go - I want something simpler
- Staying with powerline-go, just editing the config in
- Staying with powerline-go, just editing the config in
- Set up the fingerprint reader - Link
- sublime music config / theming / integration - Link
- rofi config / theming
- nvidia drivers
- WINE configurations
- btop config / theming
- swaylock config / theming
- Get function keys working (sound, brightness, etc)
- regreet config / theming - Icons still broken for some reason
- Possibly switch to tuigreet and gruv it
- mako config / theming
- waybar config / theming
- hyprland config / theming
- Try
for gesture control of Hyprland - Link
- Try
- powerline config / theming
- neofetch config / theming
- kitty config / theming
- libadwaita theming on Gnome stuck??*
- Set up IP forwarding via sysctl
- Sep 15 14:48:33 nixos-rpi4-01 tailscaled-autoconnect-start[103336]: Warning: IP forwarding is disabled, subnet routing/exit nodes will not work.
- Raspberry Pi 1:
- Set up Tailscale with pre-auth keys (services.tailscale.authKeyFile, add the key to secrets/secrets.yaml)
- Set up sops and gpg
- Set up Tailscale with pre-auth keys (services.tailscale.authKeyFile, add the key to secrets/secrets.yaml)
- Configure GameMode / Gamescope
- Try disko - Link
- Look into
nix develop
- Link - Fix Grafana
- Build a better dashboard to monitor all my nixified devices
- Look into Remote Builds - Link
- Reorganize Home-Manager
- Split configs into a common and host-specific config (see hyprland on nixos-vm-02 in home-manager for instance)
- minio is broken
- No updates on Lemmy
- cannot send email on port 25 - Link
- traccar not seeing phone
- duplicati needs database repairs
- osaka-linode-01 unable to connect to Headscale
- Matrix is unable to send/receive pictures
- Go through old sysctl.io cronjob and import what's neccesary
- Back up pass.sysctl.io to memory stick (gpg encrypted csv file)
- Get Gnome Remote Desktop / XRDP working
- Migrate to Protonmail, use the PM mail bridge docker container (Nix pkg?)
- https://github.com/shenxn/protonmail-bridge-docker#initialization
- Server migration
- Do federated things need to be available externally?
- Pixelfed
- Mastodon
- Lemmy
- Sepearate backend/frontend
- Matrix
- Separate baackend/frontend
- Outbound ports
- traefik (80, 443)
- traccar (5055 tcp/udp)
- Can probably bring back internally, both devices will be internal to Headscale
- jitsi-jvb (10000 udp, 4443 tcp)
- minecraft (25565)
- vintage-story (42420)
- mailserver
- "25:25" # SMTP (explicit TLS => STARTTLS)
- "465:465" # ESMTP (implicit TLS)
- "587:587" # ESMTP (explicit TLS => STARTTLS)
- "143:143" # IMAP4 (explicit TLS => STARTTLS)
- "993:993" # IMAP4 (implicit TLS)
- "4190:4190" # Sieve support
- tor-relay (9001, 9030) - Probably not hosting for legal reasons
- headscale-derp (3478/udp, 1443/tcp) - Most likely can't host due to limitations of DERP/xinetd
- Headscale needs to be available externally
- Do federated things need to be available externally?
- nixos-rpi4-02 - Replace piaware-rpi4
- Container running piaware software
- Figure out networking issues
- nixos-rpi4-01 - Replace japan-rpi4
- crontab entry for rsyncing storage to /mnt/sda,b,c
- Try compose2nix - Docker Compose to Nix converter
- Split docker-compose / traefik between headscale and wireguard networks
- Traefik constraints - Link
- Reorg docker-compose into "internal" and "external" sections
- internal/docker-compose.yml
- internal/_tools/*
- internal/_infrastructure/*
- etc
- external/docker-compose.yml
- external/_tools/*
- external/_infrastructure/*
- etc
- internal/docker-compose.yml
- Package
on Nixpkgs - Try to set up an action for Gotify notifications on failures - Link
- reinstall / re-configure snapper
- Move DNS resolution for internal things to internal pihole server
- Try Distorbox - Link
- Fix Gotify notifications (Jellyfin)
- Add a /Storage btrfs subvolume for Docker
- Try lazy.vim - Link
- Look into NixOS Containers - Link
- Check if other machines can auth to ssh-luks connection
- emacs
- Add bracket auto-completion
- Find a way to have magit save login credentials
- Try out kde2nix - Link
- home-manager/common/software/cli/bash.nix - Break this out for theming -- Currently statically set to 'gruvbox'
- Redo Hyprland config with Stylix / more nix-centric configuration
- Look at
- Look at
- Example - Look at
- Look at
- Look at
- Look at
- Look at
- Look at
- Essentially, move most of the configs to
instead ofnixos
- Look at
- Try this - Nix colors - Link
- Or this - stylix - Link
- Replace RSA keys with ED25519 keys where possible
- Need to set up a new PGP key for use with ProtonMail? Or move to FastMail?
- xfce4 configs -
- nixified.ai - https://github.com/nixified-ai/flake
- Edit the hosts file
- Syncthing
- Try starship.rs - A powerline replacement - Link